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Our Services

Grow your brand and create loyal customers with Chefs USA

Partner with the best chefs in the in-store demo business. Our services are creating connections between brands and shoppers. We sell your product as we build brand-advocates and customers for life. We have over 175 professionals who demonstrate meal preparation and cooking with wine in grocery stores across the USA. We educate as we demonstrate and sell shoppers the unique benefits of your brand. You're competing with so many brands on the shelf, demos have become critical to selling your products. We'll get you that purchase and connection that builds long term brand advocates.

Our services

In-store cooking demonstrations
At Chefs USA, it’s truly our passion to connect brands and consumers through in-store cooking demos.
In-store wine selling events
We set wine-sales records on a consistent basis because we have the best chefs in the business.

Is your product and brand being showcased and promoted in the best way?

We have over 175 professional chefs proudly demonstrating meal preparation in grocery stores across the USA.

Chefs USA Map